List of attendees: See attachments.
1. Opening of the General Assembly Meeting, welcome by EACME – President Ruth Horn
2. To confirm: Minutes General Assembly online meeting September 13, 2021
No remarks. Approval of the minutes.
3. Enlargement of the Board – Board elections, 2 seats available
The enlargement plan has been communicated earlier with the Board. The fifth person in the Bureau, Pawel Lukow (Warsaw), does not have to be a forever position. The position will be evaluated within the Bureau after 4 years.
The elections will take place at the end of this meeting. There are 6 candidates for 2 seats.
Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics at Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland
Clinical Center Kragujevac, Serbia
Institut Borja de Bioètica, Spain
Clinical Ethics Unit Basel, Switzerland
Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME), Switzerland
Ballot papers have been distributed. We are looking for active Board members, we try to look also at geographical and gender diversity.
Caroline Brall, Maria Aluas and Stef Groenewoud will collect the ballot papers and count the votes.
4. Report of the treasurer
The financial situation is very stable. There were not a lot of expenses in the past few years, because of the Covid pandemic.
Institut für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik
der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim will end their membship at the end of the year. Their focus changed recently. As well as the Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Ethik, they decided to stop because a lot Swiss centers are already members.
At this moment 44 centers have paid.
5. New center
Institute of History and Ethics in Medicine Technical University of Munich.
6. EACME Paul Schotsmans Prize for young talented scholars / EACME Collaboration award / EACME Visiting Scholarship Exchange Programme. Early Career
EACME Paul Schotsmans Prize – Vorathep Sachdev, PhD candidate from the University of Edinburgh, the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Discussing genetic enhancement from the perspective of a developing country. The dialogue with society and politics: Global Bioethics and local bioethics OR the dialogue towards the future: new and emerging technologies.
EACME Collaboration award – Dr. Anna-Henrikje Seidlein and Prof. Rouven Porz, Marie-Christine Fritzsche and Prof. Helen Kohlen.
A collaboration between centers in Greifswald, Bern, Munich and Vallendar. Marie-Christine Fritsche will present the collaboration on Friday morning.
EACME Visiting Scholarship Exchange Programme Bianca Jansky, M.A. (University of Augsburg) will go to the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford.
All prizes will be published in the EACME Newsletter.
7. Internal EACME Communication – EACME News, Newsletter, Website.
Spread the word in your centre. Do you wish to promote an event, inform your colleagues about the results of your work, any other ideas? Contact Angelique Heijnen: a.heijnen@maastrichtuniversity.nl
Occasionally multilingual news is possible as well.
Thanks to Caroline Brall as an excellent editor of the Newsletters. The editorial team has three times a year a brainstorm online meeting together. It is an enthusiastic team with great input.
8. EACME’s Early Career Bioethicists / Future meetings EACME / Webinars
EACME’s Early Career Bioethicists
EACME is strongly committed to supporting the next generation of bioethicists. Also, by organizing webinars. EACME aims to host two early career webinars a year, in which early career bioethicists can come together. These webinars typically run in the Spring and the Summer. The agenda is flexible: sometimes there might be a presentation(s), other times the webinar will simply provide an opportunity to meet (online) and talk with other early career bioethicists, from across Europe. The meetings will be advertised through the EACME News and on the website. Richard is coordinating this fantastic initiative with Dani O’Connor and will plan a first Early Career EACME Webinar soon.
During the annual conference Rouven Porz is organizing a PhD lunch. This is also part of the early career package.
This year two EACME owned webinars took place, initiated by the Board, linked to our initiatives. Both were successful initiatives. Both the Board and the Bureau would like to continue this initiatives, live or in a hybrid way.
Board members will try to think of possible webinars and invite people if they are interested. They can also ask through our EACME News for possible topics / organisers. We will schedule a meeting with all Board members to discuss who would like to coordinate the EACME Webinars (i.e. by approaching others).
EACME Annual Conference 2023
Facing disruption. Challenges to bioethics, human rights and democracy.
Warsaw, 14-16 September 2023.
Halle 2024
2025? Are you interested in hosting the 2025 conference? Please contact the Bureau members.
9. Elections
All 6 candidates have 3 minutes to present their centre.
We are happy to report that the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway and the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME), Switzerland are voted into the EACME Board.
10. Other Items
ECEN: 32 people attended the Open Forum day on patient participation in clinical ethics support. ECEN will open up, and discusses the ways how. Next year there will be also an Open Forum day on Wednesday, just before the EACME conference.
Unfortunately, there is no Cambridge consortium this year. Hopefully, there will be a consortium next year.
11) Closing of the meeting