General Assembly meeting EACME
13 September 2021
14.00-15.30 CET
1. The minutes of 2020 are approved
2. Report of the treasurer (treasurer)
Federico Nicoli, treasurer of the EACME guides the attendees through the budget overview.
Saving account:
The number of the balance saving account hasn’t changed
Some of the centers have paid their membership fee of 2020 in 2021. This is shown in the budget overview under ‘membership fees 2020’
In total 24 centers have paid. The payment of another 36 centers are expected in the next weeks/months.
A total of 6 centers left the EACME
The secretary has been paid for 2020 and 2021
Fewer costs have occurred as Bureau members could not meet in person due to the pandemic.
Only flights for Ruth and Kim will be paid to join the EACME 2021 conference onsite.
The chief editor of the EACME editorial board, Caroline Brall, receives a compensation of € 800. Kim will arrange the transfer.
3. New centers
The EACME received applications of 6 centers. All these centers qualified and are joining from this year on.
1. Clinical Ethics Unit, University Hospital of Basel (USB) and University Psychiatric Clinics Basel (UPK), University of Basel
2. University Medical Center Utrecht, Julius Center, Department of Medical Humanities
3. Institut des Humanités en Médecine, University of Lausanne
4. Institute for History of Medicine and Science Studies, University of Lübeck
5. Section for Ethics and Health Economics, University of Bergen
6. Ethik der Medizin, University of Augsburg
The Bureau and Board discussed further opportunities to recruit members. One of the suggestions was to create a list of medical ethics centers/groups, in order to know who are possible members and to better target recruitment. The Bureau wondered whether this is the right recruitment strategy for the EACME and whether it is feasible timewise. The Bureau would prefer snowballing recruitment through members. The topic will be further discussed in the next Bureau meeting and the outcome/decision will be communicated to the Board.
4. EACME Professor Paul Schotmans Prize 2021
The winner of the Paul Schotsmans Prize of 2021 is Lars Assen from UMC Utrecht.
Title: ‘Understanding responsibility in stem cell research’
The Bureau read all submitted abstracts. The abstracts where anonymized.
The criteria the Bureau based their decision on:
– Check scientific quality
– How innovative the paper is
– Coherence
– Individual contribution
5. EACME collaboration prize
This year, no applications for the EACME collaboration prize and the EACME visiting scholarships were submitted.
Katja Kühlmeyer won last year’s collaboration prize (2020). She sent in a report on what has been achieved so far. Katja is conducting an online workshop and right now entering the second phase of the workshop.
In 2019 Mikey Dunn won the collaboration prize. Mikey sent the Bureau an update and this report will be placed on the EACME website or included in the next Newsletter.
6. Strategies to promote the EACME prizes
Since no applications for any of the EACME prizes (collaboration prize or visiting scholarship) have been submitted, strategies to promote the prizes were discussed.
The Bureau decided to set deadlines for submission for the prizes and use these to advertise regularly.
EACME collaboration prize
2nd of January
1st of June
EACME visiting scholarship
1st of March
It is possible to combine prizes from different centers. If a center offers some kind of scholarship prize, the applicant can also apply for the EACME visiting scholarship prize and combine these prizes.
If a Bureau member is involved in one of the applications he/she will withdraw from the evaluation process.
7. Internal EACME communication (Bureau-Board)
The Bureau started increasing the communication with the Board two years ago. According to the Board there is no lack of communication.
The Board came up with the idea to arrange a series of webinars. In the past year, 2 webinars took place. The next one will be on the 11th of November, 2021. The Board would like to continue with the series and invites all the EACME centers to apply to organize a webinar.
8. Future meetings
EACME conference:
2022 – Varese – 15-17 September 2022
2023 – Warsaw
2024 – Halle
Webinar series:
The next webinar will be organized by Stef Groenewoud together with Richard Huxtable.
It will take place on the 11th of November from 17.00-18.45 CET
9. EACME Newsletter
Caroline Brall cannot attend the GA, but she is very interested in any feedback. Feedback can be sent directly to Caroline or to one of the Bureau members.
The editorial board is meeting regularly to discuss the next issue.
10. EACME Friday News
It has been difficult this year to collect items for the Friday News. Kim, and the Bureau, ask for active help from the member centres to share news about events, conferences, seminars etc..
11. EACME Satelite meetings
Two satellite meetings took place the day before the annual EACME conference: 1. Cambridge and 2. ECEN
Both groups would like to stay connected to the EACME.
Because the meetings were held online, both meetings had more participants than usually.
12. AOB
No points.